What to bring to a game.

Here is a guide to help you prepare for your weekend! This event is primarily in an outdoor setting and the site is rugged and undeveloped when it comes to modern amenities. The following list is things you should pack. This list can be useful for even the most veteran of players. Don’t wanna forget that one thing you really were counting on!

The Must List

If you don’t have these things, you are gonna have a terrible weekend.

Your character’s costuming
Coming without the outfit you have been working on is a huge bummer. Try your stuff on BEFORE the event, you don’t wanna find out that the shoulders are pinchy and uncomfortable mid-event.
Your feet are going to see a lot of use throughout the weekend. Treat them right. Bring extra socks.
Weapon props
Make sure they are in good shape, repaired and put together as per the spec in the equipment guide. These WILL be inspected at check in.
2 clearly-marked loot bags.
One must be labeled “Lootable” (for lootable items only) and the other “Non-Lootable” (for non-lootable items only).
Flashlight (under 200 lumens)
You are gonna have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, and without a light, you are gonna be in a rough spot.
Water container
You will want to have ways to carry water with you. Dehydration is lame as heck.
Plan to bring food you can prepare easily, or some confirmed plan for food with others. There is often a food vendor on site, but plan accordingly! Check ahead to make sure there is one planned.
Weather appropriate clothes
Especially when it's cold, staying warm is important. This is the pacific northwest after all. It can be wet and cold!
Sleeping gear
Blankets, pillow, sleeping bag, earplugs, blindfold, whatever you need to sleep. If you don’t have pre-arranged sleeping arrangements on site, you will need a tent.
To each their own, but don't forget them. There are toilets on site, and hand sanitizer is provided, but if you want additional comforts you are gonna need to pack them!

The Good Idea List

Waterproof boots
Wet. Oregon. Mud.
Raingear that works
Again, it gets wet often.
The sun is a thing too.
Spare black clothes
Z-camp clothes to wear rando costumes over. This helps differentiate you from who you are playing normally and lets you really have a good time being the best monsters you can!
Waterproof and appropriately warm for the season. Cold fingers can ruin your whole day.
A full extra set of clothes
You never know what will happen. Be prepared.
Extra snacks
You cannot undersell the power of ready to go snacks.

Useful Extras List

Repair supplies
Duct Tape, Painter's tape, electrical tape, athletic tape, Costume/prop/weapon repair kit. Your stuff can break, its a cool idea to be able to fix it. That, or you might save someone elses whole event because you fixed their costume!
First aid supplies
There will be first aid supplies on site, but it's always good to have more on hand, ready to go.
More socks
You cannot have enough. Just ask anyone from Afterworlds.
Ziploc bag
Inside your lootable and non lootable bags, it's great to have a waterproof bag to store things in case you get stuck in the rain! Keep your character sheet, items and loot dry.
Loaner weapons
Someone will forget. You can save the day.
You have the power, to have power.
Special thanks to Sam Fitterman over at the 198x Larp for letting me use his work as a springboard for this document.